
 Translator - Privacy Policy

مترجم المحادثات الفورى

Last modified: 04/20/2024

I have created this Policy to explain our privacy practices so that you can understand what information about you is collected, used and disclosed in connection with the Apps, Services and Site.

By using the Application, Services or Site, you agree to the privacy practices described in this Policy.

What permissions do I use in the app and what are their purposes?


The app requests this permission (android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO) to activate the ability to convert audio to text for the voice translation feature. The app only uses the microphone at the user's request and no audio recordings are stored on servers or shared with any third parties.


Allows the application to access the Internet. This permission is used for many activities such as downloading content from the web, communicating with servers, and exchanging data over the network.

This permission is known as Advertising ID and allows the app to access the device's advertising ID. This permission is used for ad tracking and targeted targeting

a. What type of information do we collect?

Personal and non-personal information.

The following information is collected for advertising and analytics purposes.

-IP address

- The device's IP address, which can be used to estimate the device's general location

- User product interactions

- User product interactions and engagement information, including app launches, clicks and video views.

- Diagnostic information

- Information about the performance of your app and SDK, including crash logs, app uptime, suspend rate, and power usage.

- Device and account identifiers

- Android Advertising (Ad) ID and App Set ID


No other personal or non-personal information is collected.

B. How we use the information collected

This information is used exclusively for advertising and analytics purposes in accordance with the policies of Google Play, Admob, Google Analytics, and Firebase.

Any data collected or shared in the app, such as photos, videos, music, or documents, is considered part of the functionality of the app and will not be used for anything else. To inquire about anything or anything, please send us a message.

Your rights

Subject to the limitations imposed by applicable law, you have the right to object to or request restriction of the processing of your personal data, and to request access, rectification, erasure and portability of your personal data.

Where the use of your information is based on consent, you can withdraw that consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Requests should be made by contacting us via email to our developer account on Google Play.

Contact Us / Report Violations

If you have any questions or comments about this Policy or our privacy practices, or to report any Policy violations or misuse of the Application, Services or Site, please contact us at
